I see you...

The nonprofit leader, struggling to spread the word about your work and make your organization stand out.

The marketing or fundraising professional, yearning for a "spark" – and a way to get support from your board and leadership.

The visionary, inspired to make a difference – but unclear on where to start or how to get your idea off the ground.

Let's turn your vision into a reality!

Supercharge your nonprofit

With the complete program to help you build your nonprofit or social venture's Ultimate Marketing Strategy

In this course, you'll learn SIMPLY and EASILY how to...

  • Share your organization's MISSION with the world.

  • Build a stellar nonprofit brand that STANDS OUT.

  • CONNECT with the people who need you most - and REACH the funders who can make it happen.

  • Turn your WHOLE TEAM - from board members to volunteers - into your best brand ambassadors EVER.

  • Start seeing MEASURABLE RESULTS, right away!

I don't "do" marketing. Why should I take this course?

Simply put: Because nobody knows your organization or your work better than you do!

Running a successful nonprofit requires a LOT of time spent on fundraising and marketing. Let’s make sure it’s effective.

If people aren't compelled by your story - or worse, don't understand what you do! - how can they support you?

Learning how to bring your messages to life helps EVERYONE on your team stay focused on your mission.

Hosted by Anna Ly Ress,

Founder of The Nonprofit Startup

As a nonprofit instructor, trainer, consultant, founder, and board member, I feel you.

The small- to mid-sized nonprofits resigned to working tirelessly, year after year...  

Scrambling for every win... 

Starting processes from scratch every time a skilled volunteer leaves...

The nonprofit leader who gives their ALL - but frankly, wishes they had the business background to "run like a business."

We can change this.

My Ultimate Marketing GAME plan was developed over 15+ years leading brand launches, marketing and communications campaigns - from ZERO budget to multi-billion dollar programs. 

AND... Guess what? 

Whether your budget is mini or macro, a successful marketing strategy is built upon the same building blocks.

My proven Marketing GAME plan helps leaders get clarity on their goals, prioritize the work, and start seeing RESULTS.

If you're ready to build your most powerful marketing strategy ever, join us for Marketing with a Mission: The Ultimate Marketing GAME Plan for Nonprofits and Social Ventures.

It's time to share your gifts with the world.

Beyond my expectations.

Lots of practical information. Immediately applicable. Interesting, grounding, useful, and fun. Thank you, Anna!

- Kathy M., Board Member and Media Consultant

What you get RIGHT AWAY

when you sign up for Marketing with a Mission

Course modules

Learn from the instructor with 100% positive student ratings


After 20 years in a marketing job, it’s really awesome to be surprised to learn something new. Anna's content is thought provoking and actionable. I am thrilled to have a renewed excitement for this work.

- Sherry F., Marketing Director

Frequently asked questions

  • I don't have a background in marketing and/or I'm not experienced in nonprofit. Will I be able to follow along?

    Absolutely. My students have included people with and without marketing experience and leaders with and without nonprofit experience. My courses have been taken by finance executives, nonprofit leaders, fundraisers, program/product managers, board members, volunteers, marketers - you name it!

  • I haven't launched my nonprofit yet. Do I need to do that before I take this course?

    Not necessarily. In fact, if you are in the process of formulating your nonprofit's business/operating plan, the work you do to develop your Ultimate Marketing GAME plan will directly benefit your overall nonprofit's strategy, by helping you to get clarity on your skills, mission, goals, and how to achieve them.

  • My organization is not based in the US. Is this course suitable for me?

    Yes, it is! The methods I teach can be applied no matter where you operate.

  • Will this course teach me how to start a new nonprofit - filing for 501c3 status, legal requirements, etc.?

    This course does not focus on how to legally form a nonprofit. If you are interested in learning how to apply for nonprofit status and/or other legal requirements for your organization, I'm happy to share referrals and recommendations.

  • How do I know your marketing methods and framework are a good fit for my organization?

    Every organization is different and has different needs. My course does not "tell" you what to say, what your brand should be, or what tactics you should use to reach your audiences.

    Instead, the framework provides a powerful opportunity to help YOU understand how your org operates, what your strengths are, and how you can leverage the resources you have to grow your reach.

    As students have shared with me, my Marketing GAME plan offers a fun, approachable, and realistic plan that you can begin applying right away. You can customize or change my course materials and templates as you see fit, based on what works for you and your org's needs. I LOVE seeing how people have been able to apply these marketing principles to their own work!

  • Will I be able to ask questions and get feedback on my work?

    YES! There are a couple ways you will be able to get feedback:

    1. Our private Marketing with a Mission community is a GREAT resource to ask questions, get feedback and share ideas with your fellow course participants. I participate regularly in the discussions, too!

    3. Your course enrollment includes TWO private coaching sessions. This is your chance to get personalized attention, feedback, and recommendations from me.

  • How much time should I expect to spend on Marketing with a Mission?

    Your pace is up to you! When you sign up for for the course, You have lifetime access - so you can choose your starting points, access the printable templates, and go back to modules as you need them. Each module is broken down into short video lessons ranging from 2-7 minutes in length. This allows you to go back to just the lessons you want to spend more time on - at the moment you need them.

  • What made you decide to create The Nonprofit Startup?

    After designing and teaching the Nonprofit Marketing and Communications course at UC Irvine for 3 years, I realized it was time to expand my offerings. I wanted to reach more nonprofits and leaders seeking to grow their impact. Through The Nonprofit Startup, I was able to create a more customized learning experience for course participants, using real-world examples and teaching skills I've learned as a nonprofit leader, instructor, and communications professional.

Real-world information!

Anna's class is jam-packed with info and materials that I can actually apply to my current organization.

- Sylvia F., Director Special Projects

Anna's work has been featured by:

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Fortune magazine logo
Intuit company logo
University of California logo
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Let's bring YOUR Ultimate Marketing Strategy to Life